Gene Haas Foundation Awards $1M Grant to TSCT

The Gene Haas Foundation has awarded Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology a $1M grant to expand access to education and training in computer integrated machining, and to support the College’s strategic initiatives to advance careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).

The new computer machining lab at Thaddeus Stevens College will be named, “The Gene Haas Laboratory for Computer Integrated Machining.”

“We recognize the importance of having a skilled workforce, for manufacturing and for our economy,” explains Gene Haas, founder of Haas Automation.  “However, the dollar investment on the part of our Foundation does not compare to the value of the faculty who invest their time and expertise to educate the students,” says Haas.

“Gene Haas Foundation applauds the opening of the new ‘Gene Haas Laboratory for Computer Integrated Machining’ at Stevens College,” adds Kathy Looman, Foundation Administer, Gene Haas Foundation. “Expanding access to the computer integrated machining program at Thaddeus Stevens College will continue to grow a skilled workforce to the benefit of manufacturing in Pennsylvania and across the country. Gene Haas Foundation is proud of our role in supporting that expansion” she adds.

A growing “skills gap” across the United States is urgent in the state of Pennsylvania. With four applicants per opening in the freshman class at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, the College’s greatest challenge to educating the students to address this skills gap is increasing its capacity.

“Through the extraordinary support of the Gene Haas Foundation we were able to greatly expand enrollment for students in our Computer Integrated Machining program,” says Dr. William Griscom, President of Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology. “With an ever-increasing number of applicants and an overwhelming demand for our graduates, the support of the Gene Haas Foundation will have a significant impact on addressing the critical workforce needs of employers seeking graduates in modern machining. It also allows us to continue to fulfill our mission to provide economically disadvantaged students in Pennsylvania an education that results in a career at a family-sustaining wage.”

The grant supported the construction of the new Gene Haas Laboratory for Computer Integrated Machining, and will further strategic education initiatives at the College, including curriculum development for new machining courses, scholarships, skills competitions, K-12 outreach and STEM education initiatives.

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