Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology alumni are encouraged to join and support the Alumni Association by paying dues. The annual fee for dues is $50. This payment permits the alumnus/alumnae to use the Multipurpose Activity Center (MAC) fitness facility, as well as the Learning Resource Center (LRC)/library. Dues also support alumni events and student programming.
Alumni Dues
To become a member of the Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Alumni Association, please complete and submit the form below. Once submitted, you will be sent to a PayPal link. You do NOT need to have a PayPal account. You simply pay with a credit card from the PayPal link that automatically opens!
Note: If you express interest in gaining access to the MAC and/or the LRC in your form, you will be contacted by the college to coordinate the pick-up of a new alumni photo ID card (as of August 8, 2022, the new alumni photo ID cards are required in order to access the MAC and the LRC – all alumni ID cards printed before that date will no longer work).
Have a question? Need assistance?
Contact Us
Beth Valentin, Director of Alumni Engagement and Development
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Alumni Association
740 East End Avenue Lancaster, PA 17602